Short film written and directed by Alex Burunova
Full Film:

LONELY PLANET - Award-Winning Short Film from Alex Burunova on Vimeo.

Logline: Whilst in Barcelona on a temporary writing assignment, Julia beds a tall dark stranger to find herself with more than what she bargained for – a serious relationship.

Shot in Barcelona with Spanish cast and crew. Was an official selection in over 60 festivals, including Oscar-Qualifying Los Angeles ISF, Palm Springs ISF, Diversity in Cannes and Newport Beach FF.
It won several Best Film and Best Director awards, got picked up for distribution by 5 companies and has been played over 800K times on youtube and vimeo. It was recently re-released for Valentines Day.

"Alex Burunova uses themes of time and love and promises never spoken to break your heart" - Jason Ensler (Director, Franklin & Bash, Red Band Society, Heart of Dixie)